Our solution orientated trade house enables us to source any unique requirement from all around the world to serve our valuable clients in a short period of time. We also have multiple rigs in our inventory that enables us to be a major player in the industry. At OGI we trade a wide array of equipment’s including rigs, top drives, fishing tools, drill pipes, heavy weight drill pipes, mud tanks, mud pumps, mud motors, shock tools, various kinds of drilling tools, machineries such as breakout units, BHA tools, pressure control equipment’s, safety equipment’s, dopes and consumables, raw materials and much more.
We have an approved vendor list with premium suppliers which gives us the capability to cater to any need in the oil and gas industry within a short time frame.
Whipstock and Whipstock accessories

Our Services
- Drilling/BHA Tools Rental Services
- Tubulars Running Services
- Fishing Tools and Rental Services
- Pressure Control & BOP Rental
- API Certified Machine Shop Services
- Drill Jar, Shock Tool, Mud Motor Services
- Welding and Fabrication Shop
- Inspection Services
- Safety Products & Services
- Sales & Trading Oil & Gas Upstream and Down Stream
- Redress & Servicing all kinds of Drilling Jars
- Redress And Grinding Of Stabilizers
- OGI Handling Tools